It's nearly the end of term so I've FINALLY got time to start this series! I really enjoyed the world building in this chapter (I just love getting to know a new world) and that ending was fantastic!

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This story has been so much fun to write 😀

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Finally catching up on reading these. This umis great. Also, I found something familiar at the end. 😉

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What kind of typo happened up there? And why did it? Autocorrect is just bananas.

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I looked up umis 🤭

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Uh oh...do I dare?

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It was harmless but irrelevant leaving me even more confused 😄

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This is a really interesting concept for a book. It's nicely descriptive and builds a good picture of the society they're living in, but there's also a lot of elements of mystery there, and of course, that exciting cliffhanger at the end. That's exactly the right way to do a serial, as it's much more likely to keep people hooked and coming back for more... 😎

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